PSC Accounting, Taxation & FQR Based on the new SKK Migas Reporting Manual



DR. A Rinto Pudyantoro, MM., CA., Akt & Team

Senior Manager of Tax & Levies – SKKMIGAS



PSC Accounting, Taxation dan Financial Quarterly Report (FQR) are linked to one another. Therefore in order to understand the concept and produce a reliable financial report, we have to have a thorough understanding on these three elements.

Moreover, at the end of 2015, SKK Migas has just launched a newly revised manual on financial reporting system. Although this revision has not include any changes in the concept, but there was a significant changes in the procedural and reporting mechanism.

There are also some other new regulations that also has an impact to the financial reporting system, such as Pedoman Tata Kerja (PTK) that relates to Placed Into Service (PIS) and Persetujuan Penyelesaian Pekerjaan (PPP). Therefore, the discussion will also include the implementation of PTK PIS and PTK PPP in the context of PSC accounting.


This training is design to fulfill requirement of anyone who desire to comprehend in comprehensive manner about oil business that presented with legal framework, financial and commercial, and it can be assured to contribute precise understanding pertaining with business management of oil and gas of outset part, PSC encompass underlying conditions and philosophy. Workshop is designed in certain way in order to make it compatible and simple to follow by anyone at any level and from any company with daily activity dealings with outset part of business of oil and gas, including oil and gas exploration company, supporting company, consultant, scholar, banker, any Department of PSC, and for any level or stratum.


Participant who takes part in this training shall acquire benefit and knowledge from conceptual and practical perception regarding oil business that based on PSC model. Therefore, the training will discuss in general about:

  • Production Sharing Contract concept and implementation
  • Update and Development of PSC in Indonesia
  • Variety of provision and regulation relevant with oil and gas business in Indonesia
  • Business calculation & business feasibility study
  • Business risk & nature of petroleum business
  • Entitlement in practical
  • PSC Accounting
  • PSC in relationship of International Petroleum Accounting
  • Indonesia Taxation & PSC tax treatment
  • Lifting Procedures
  • FQR and monitoring performance
  • FQR Analysis
  • Mechanism and technic of crude oil price and gas

About Facilitator

DR. A Rinto Pudyantoro, memiliki segudang pengalaman kerja di Industri hulu migas. Hampir seluruh karirnya ada di bisnis hulu migas. Ketrampilan beliau semakin lengkap karena selain memahami proses bisnis hulu migas yang terjadi di Kontraktor KKS, beliau juga sangat paham bagaimana hubungan kelembagaan di Pemerintahan terkait bisnis hulu migas. Sebab, lulusan Magister di bidang Internasional Finance ini memiliki pengalaman kerja lebih dari 13 tahun di VICO Indonesia dan BP, serta hampir 10 tahun bekerja di BPMIGAS dan SKK Migas. Selain menguasai bidang keuangan dan akuntansi, karena pernah menjabat sebagai Budgeting & Reporting –VICO Indonesia, Controller - BP, Kepala Dinas di Divisi Akuntansi dan Kepala Dinas di Divisi Management Risiko & Perpajakan, beliau juga pernah menjabat sebagai Kepala Humas dan Hubungan Kelembagaan, dan juga pernah bekerja sebagai Koordinator Sekretaris Pimpinan.

Sejak tahun 2005 hingga tahun 2011, beliau berkeliling Indonesia memberikan sosialisasi tentang bisnis hulu migas, PSC dan Dana Bagi Hasil Daerah kepada Pejabat Pemerintah Daerah, DPR dan DPRD, kepada Wartawan dan para Akademisi di berbagai perguruan tinggi. Tentu pengalaman ini menarik untuk dibagikan dan didiskusikan.

Doktor Ilmu Ekonomi lulusan IPB yang juga seorang Akuntan ini telah menerbitkan dua buku. Salah satunya, buku best seller berjudul A to Z Bisnis Hulu Migas terbit tahun 2012 dan buku lainnya, yang terbit tahun 2014 bulan Mei, berjudul Proyek Hulu migas: Evaluasi dan Analisis PetroEkonomi. Kesenangannya berbagi ilmu diwujudkan dalam bentuk memberikan pelatihan dan menulis di beberapa media cetak.

Date and Venue

March 17 - 18, 2016
Four Points Hotel - Bandung




Rp.9.000.000,-* / Paricipant

*) Including Workshop Materials, Coffee Breaks, and Lunch

*) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%

Rp.12.500.000,-* / Paricipant

*) Including 2 night single room, Workshop Materials, Coffee Breaks, and Lunch

*) Cancellation Fee : 7 days before the event : 80%


Transfer to Bank Ekonomi,
Cabang Cempaka Putih, Jakarta.
Acc. No. : 909-0039-23900 (IDR)
Acc. No. : 909-0039-23117 (USD)
Acc. Holder: PT Binadi Reksa Dayatama

Contact Us

Defi : +62-21-7227692
Maya : +62-21-7226896
F: +62-21- 7226898
E: workshop@petromindo.com

Produced by
Free for Participant

A to Z Bisnis
Hulu Migas
