Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd.

Start date: April 01, 2008 End date: April 03, 2008

Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd (COMPANY) an oil and gas company with Japan Petroleum Exploration Co., Ltd (Japex) and Mitsubishi Corporation (Mitsubishi) as their strategic partners herein invites potential bidders to participate in a Tender for the subject tender below.
Bidders shall provide Pedestal Marine Crane 5 Ton for Loading and Unloading during Wireline & Maintenance Work to support Company’s activities at Kangean block.

Crane for Loading and Unloading During Wireline & Maintenance Work
Bukan Usaha Kecil Non Small Scale
Container. packing, hoisting/lifting and transportation, equipment and parts

1. Interested Foreign Contractors must have a joint co-operation with an Indonesian Company.
2. All interested Contractors shall register to Bid Committee by submitting an original signed written request to participate in the above tender to the Company and attached the copy of documents as follows:
a. Valid certificate issued by relevant Association
b. SIUP (Surat Izin Usaha Perdagangan)
c. Tanda Daftar Perusahaan (TDP) and Nomor Pokok Wajib Pajak (NPWP)
d. MIGAS certificate (if any)
e. Original Bank Reference
f. Akte Pendirian Perusahaan/Koperasi
g. Valid Statement of Tax Payment for the previous year (SPT Tahunan 1771 Tahun terakhir, SSP Tahun Terakhir & Bukti Penerimaan Surat Setoran Pajak Tahun Terakhir)
h. Last Year’s Financial Statement approved by Public Accountant
i. Bidders experiences with similar works/services (mm. 3 years)
j. Certificate JAMSOSTEK
k. Submit Conflict Of Interest (COI) Form (COI form can be collected in our office during the registration period). The COI Confirmation Letter must be sign over Contractor official stamp by an authorized representative of Contractor.
Bidders who has Surat Keterangan Terdaftar (SKT) from Kangean Energy Indonesia Ltd can submit the copy of SKT as a substitute. for all document that Company required above.
3. Registration place
Kangean Energy
Wisma Mulia, 25th Floor
Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 42
Jakarta 12710
4. Registration Period : 1, 2 April, 2008, 08.00 - 11.30 AM.
5. After registration, Bidders will receive Invitation to collect bid package.
6. Questions related to this announcement may be sent to Bid Committee via fax.
7. Interested Bidders for this tender are required to submit the above administrative documents in complete.
Bidders who do not submit complete document as mention In item 2 can not participate in this tender.
Jakarta, 1 April, 2008
Procurement Committee - Kangean Energy Indonesia Limited