PT Agincourt Resources
Start date: August 14, 2023 End date: August 25, 2023

PT Agincourt Resources (PTAR) is a prominent mining company in Indonesia, specialising in the exploration and mining of precious metals such as gold and silver. The Company’s primary operating site is the Martabe Gold Mine in the Indonesian province of North Sumatra, while our headquarters in Jakarta facilitates and manages the corporate functions of the Company.
The area of the Martabe Gold Mine is based on a sixth-generation 30-year Contract of Work with the Government of Indonesia. The total area is 130,252 hectares, or 1,303 km² covering South Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, North Tapanuli, and Mandailing Natal Regencies. The operational area of the Martabe Gold Mine in South Tapanuli Regency is 509 hectares as of January 2022.
The area of the Martabe Gold Mine is based on a sixth-generation 30-year Contract of Work with the Government of Indonesia. The total area is 130,252 hectares, or 1,303 km² covering South Tapanuli, Central Tapanuli, North Tapanuli, and Mandailing Natal Regencies. The operational area of the Martabe Gold Mine in South Tapanuli Regency is 509 hectares as of January 2022.
We hereby invite a single highly experienced Supplier to provide Hydrochloric Acid and Sulphuric Acid. The scope of services includes but is not limited to the below:
Package |
1. Hydrochloric Acid |
• Purity: Min 32% • Density at 30°C: 1.158 • Appearance: Clear/Light yellow (by visual) • Supplied in Isotank with specifications: -20 feet,T14 L4DH, Min Test pressure 4 bar -Top discharge DN80 PFA butterly valve -Lining material Synthetic rubber line |
• Isotanks fleet will be dedicated to PTAR with a valid Periodic Test Certificate renewable every 2 years by the surveyor. • Supplier must provide a fleet of Isotanks to meet PTAR’s HCL demand • Estimate required qty: 2,300 tons/year |
1. Sulphuric Acid |
• Purity H2SO4: min 98% • Density at 30°C: 1.826 • Appearance: Clear (by visual) • Supplied in Isotank with specifications: -20 feet, 16.2KL with Baffles, UN Portable tank type WO Generic T14. |
• Isotanks fleet will be dedicated to PTAR with a valid Periodic Test Certificate renewable every 2 years by the surveyor. • Supplier must provide a fleet of Isotanks to meet PTAR’s H2SO4 demand • Estimate required qty: 2,700 tons/year |
Interested suppliers may register to start from 14th August 2023 and the latest submission received by 25th August 2023 at 17.00 WIB.
Please send your Expression of Interest letter and email to the Tender Administrators: by enclosing the company legal documents as follows
1. NIB (Nomor Induk Berusaha)/TDP (Tanda Daftar Perusahaan) ketegori “Perdagangan Besar Bahan dan Barang Kimia Dasar”
4. Company Deeds.
Only shortlisted candidates will be notified for further process.