PT Antam Tbk

Start date: April 12, 2019 End date: April 22, 2019


                                                               BIDDING ANNOUNCEMENT (RE-TENDER)         


PT ANTAM TBK Head Office invite vendor and suppliers of goods / services with the vendor qualification as “Large Scale” as follows:

Bidding : Rental Marine Vessel*) Power Plant (Lease and O&M) 75MW Net Capacity

Bidding No: 14-1/LELANG/MSC/2019

Registration Date: 12 April 12th until April 22th, 2019 (9 a.m until 4 p.m WIB)

Aanwijzing Date: April 23th, 2019 at 02.00 pm Jakarta Time

*) including : barge, ship, or other floating facilities


Registration requirements :

1. Having experience in providing or operating Diesel Power Plant (by attaching copy (ies) of contract(s));

2. Audited Financial Statement audited by Certified Accountant.


Registration Place :

Supply Chain Management Division - Head Office PT ANTAM TBK 3rd floor, Tower A, Jl. Letjen TB. Simatupang No. 1 Lingkar Selatan -Tanjung Barat Jakarta 12530

Telp. 021- 789 1234 ext. 1102 Fax. 021 788 44 941.


Jakarta, April 12th 2019

SVP Supply Chain Management